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All the information about transportation in Istanbulimage

All the information about transportation in Istanbul


Transportation in the Istanbul area is very developed and numerous, and it connects the Asian and European parts of Istanbul, it is accessible to everyone, and all classes of society can take it. Here we are going to learn about the most common types of transportation used and how to pay, including:

*Metrobus line
* Subway lines
* Tramway lines
*Water Phrases Vapur
* Regular buses "minibus"
*Transportation buses between neighborhoods "Al-Dalmash"
* Taxi cars
* Navigation with your own car

transportation in Istanbul

The Metrobus line:

It is a fast transport line, considered the longest and fastest transportation line in Istanbul, and its buses are double in length and wide, and the Metrobus line is considered independent as it is not affected by traffic congestion, and it has two lines, the first to go and the second to return.

Tramway lines:

It is a train for transportation in Istanbul. It has its own independent transportation line in the streets of Istanbul. It differs from the Metrobus in that it can sometimes stop at some traffic lights because there are tram-fi intersections with some streets designated for traffic and ordinary pedestrians, but in general, Getting around on the tram remains faster than regular buses. The tram-fi lines are dedicated to facilitating access to the tourist areas in Istanbul

Subway in Istanbul:

It is a train to travels underground through its own tunnels, and there are six lines in Istanbul alone
(M1 - M2 - M3 - M4 - M5 - M6)
These lines link many of the main neighborhood centers in Istanbul to each other, and the subway lines are distinguished by their independent rails from the rest of the means of transportation, which pass in most of their movements underground.

Water ferries:

They are ships in the city of Istanbul, and they are one of the most popular means of transportation between the Asian and European sections, the ship’s trip is used for recreational and tourist trips often, and the ship can accommodate about 700 to 2100 people according to the size and type of it, and the marine transport stations and ports witness Huge turnout around the clock. Vapur ferry passes through 4 stations on the European side of Istanbul and through 4 stations on the Asian side. There are also future plans to establish a new port for sea transport from the (Beylikdüzü) area, as this plan will represent a qualitative leap in sea transportation in Istanbul.

Transportation buses (minibus):

They are smaller than regular buses and do not use the Istanbul Card for transportation, but the passenger must pay the fare in cash, and it ranges from two to three liras, depending on the distance or proximity of the area. But there are large numbers of buses in Istanbul that connect distant areas to each other, and the prices of buses and internal buses are within the reach of the public.

Taxi car:

It is adopted by many Istanbul residents, especially visitors and tourists, to move when carrying things, and it is also used by families because the taxi ride saves effort and time to reach some places, and in a way that is faster than other means of transportation, but it is expensive compared to other transportation. Taxis are widely spread in the streets of Istanbul, and you can find many of them congregating in front of large shopping centers, modern transport stations, the Autogar “Istanbul Garage” and in front of hospitals. Taxis in Istanbul have an electronic counter that is used to find out the fare or the cost of the trip without the intervention of the driver to determine the cost of delivery. The counter usually starts from 4 liras and charges approximately 2 liras for each kilometer.

transportation in Istanbul

Payment method:

It is possible to pay for most means of transportation through “Istanbul Kart” or “Akbil” is the name of the transportation card in Istanbul, and it is used for all means of transportation except for the “Dolmash” minibusses, and some types of taxis accept payment by Akbil.

Transportation prices vary according to:

- The type of bus or mode of transportation
- The traveled distance
- The number of times the transportation card was used during the "reduced fare" hours.
- There are special discounts for students and the discounted blue card campaign.
- The cards of retirees and the elderly in particular, entitle them to ride the means of transportation for free.
There are also electronic applications used for payment, where you can, while relying on several applications during your travels in Istanbul, after downloading them on your mobile device, pay from them.
Trafi app
BiTaski App

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